Jordan Smith

2nd - 3rd Round


Jordan Smith

Size: 6’6  Weight: 255


+ Athletic

+ Nice dip around the edge

+ Long arms with active hands 

+ Effective in the run game


-Could get stronger taking on blocks 

-Slight frame 

-Pass coverage

-Average production


Jordan Smith has freakish size and athletic ability combined with solid technique. Usually a guy with Smith’s size and athletic ability is very raw and lacking the football skillset – but that is not the case with him. He utilizes his long arms well, swiping linemen’s hands before they can engage with him and seamlessly translating into swim or rip moves. In addition he has a decent natural bend around the edge, able to get low and maintain balance. He has a frame that looks like it could add some more weight and has some troubles standing his ground. But he does a good job of using his long arms and active hands to sift through traffic to find the ball carrier. I didn’t see him go in coverage often, I wouldn’t ask him to do too much other than the flats in pass coverage. Smith was apart the the credit card fraud scandal at Florida and transferred after suspension – ended up at UAB and having decent production but not eye popping. 


Jordan Smith checks a lot of boxes as a 3 – 4 outside LB and as I’ve said before – I’m not a pick on potential type guy, but Smith is alluring. He isn’t just an athlete learning to play football. He already has football technique ingrained combined with rare size and movement skills. If he stayed out of trouble and had a 10 sack year at Florida, Smith would be a sure fire 1st round pick right now. I do think his best playing days are ahead of him and still had decent production – I wouldn’t let him slide past the 2nd round.


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